Hold duplicate copies of important documents on Mydigisafe

We’ve all done it at least once. Lost or misplaced an important document which you now urgently need.  If you are really unlucky, it’s your passport which you discover is missing on the morning of your planned trip. Or maybe it’s your National Insurance number or NHS number.

In this article, we advise you hold duplicate copies of important documents on Mydigisafe.


Last year alone, some 25,000 Britons reported a lost or stolen passport, according to the Foreign and Commonwealth office. If this happens to you, the first thing to do is to report it missing to minimise the risk of someone else using your identity. If you think it has been stolen, contact the police. In all cases, you will need to report it to the Government on their special website here. If you need to travel urgently, you must phone the Passport Adviceline on 0300 222 0000.

If you are about to travel abroad, the best course of action is to apply for an emergency travel document. You will find the application form here and should get your papers within two days.

If you lose your passport whilst abroad, then you need a different form. It is also helpful to report the loss to the local police. You can also contact the nearest British Embassy  from this list here.

Driving Licence

Last year alone, there were over 900,000 applications for a replacement driving licence. Most of these licences are lost or stolen when the driver is out and about, so the DVLA recommends that you keep your licence at home

If you lose your driving licence, than you can apply to the DVLA for a replacement here. You will need to pay £20 for the replacement. You can also call them on 0300 790 6801. You are still able to drive, provided you have made the application for a new licence.


Birth, Death and Marriage certificates

These documents are rarely used so its is easy to lose track of their location. If you can’t find any of these, the Government has set up a rapid replacement service which takes around 4 days and costs £11 per certificate. You can apply here.

Divorce Papers

 These can be obtained from the court that issued them if you can remember. Start your search here. If you know the details it will cost £10, but £45 if you don’t have that information. You will need these papers if you plan to remarry.

Insurance documents

These are easy to replace. Just contact your insurer and they will arrange a replacement either by post or email. Most insurers do charge a replacement fee.

Mortgage documents

 You can get replacement documents from your lender, but if its a title deed you are after, it’s a bit more complicated. Try your solicitor first as they most likely have a copy. Failing that, you can start your search on the Land Registry website. They will have scanned copies of every property in the UK even if they have sent the originals back to the owner.

Exam certificates

This is a tricky one as you need to know which exam board issued them.

There are five examination boards in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland., so they are a good place to start. They can’t give you an exact copy but they can provide a “certified statement of results”

Medical Cards

Medical cards are no longer issued and were replaced by an NHS number. You will find your number on any correspondence or prescription, but if you don’t have any, try the NHS App.

National Insurance number

You can find your National Insurance number on your payslip, P60, or letters about tax, pensions and benefits. You can also find it through your personal tax account and download a confirmation letter.

If you still cannot find it, you can either: fill in form CA5403 and send it to the address on the form or contact the National Insurance helpline 0300 200 3500 and answer some questions (you’ll need to fill in form CA5403 if you cannot answer the questions)


Once you have all this information, store it somewhere safe life Mydigisafe.

mydigisafe, keeping all of your important information together.

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